Grade 6
Habit #1: Be Proactive
lesson 4: Freedom to choose
You are in control of your life! While you may not be able to control what happens to you, you have the ability and freedom to choose your reaction. Watch the video and discuss how Deven Jackson chose to be proactive. |
Proactive and Reactive Language
The way you talk will show if you are proactive or reactive. Reactive language takes power away from you and gives it to someone or something else. Proactive language, on the other hand, puts the control back in your hands and shows that you are choosing your response.
Lesson 5: initiative
If you don't like the something about yourself, you have the power to change it. It just takes a little initiative. You may be focusing on what is wrong instead of what is right. What do you need to focus on, and how will you do it?
Lesson 6: Circle of Control
Sometimes, our circles of control are bigger than we think. Take a look at this article about Paying it Forward and affecting other people in a positive way. Anything is Possible.
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The fact is, we can't control everything that happens to us. We can't control who our teachers are, who our parents are, or how others treat us. One thing we can control, is how we respond to what happens to us. Watch the video below. In it, Lizzie Velasquez talks about how happiness is a choice. By focusing on things in your circle of control, you eliminate the worry and stress that is out of your control.
Lesson 7: Choose your weather
Only you can control how you fee and what you do. . By choosing your own weather, you make the decision on how you react and respond in both good and bad situations.
When Riley moves to a new town and all seems hopeless, how does she choose her own weather in this scene? Do all of the characters choose their own weather? |
Most of the times, when we are reactive, we are acting with our "lizard brain." Find out more on how to get out of lizard brain thinking with the video below and this article.
lesson 8: Stop and think
Are you a reactive person? Reactive people tend to act without pausing to think. Habit 1: Be Proactive reminds us that between every stimulus and response is a space. Proactive people use this space to stop, think, and weigh the options before they respond. You have a choice in everything you do and say!
Hollywood HabitS: Akeelah and the bee
6th graders will watch Akeelah and the Bee (PG) and evaluate the importance of Private Victory before Public Victory.