Grade 8
Habit #2: Begin With the End in Mind
“Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Which road do I take?' she asked.
'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat. 'I don't know,' Alice answered. 'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland You wouldn't try to put a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle together without seeing the picture, so why would you live your life without a vision in your mind of how you wanted it to be? Habit 2, Begin With the End in Mind, involves setting goals and outlining the values that will help you to have the life you want. While you don't have to decide every detail of your life right now, you can have a picture of your future self in your mind. This way, the decisions you make today keep you on the path that leads you to where you want to be tomorrow. |
Lesson 9 - mental creation precedes physical creation
All things are created twice. You must mentally create or plan what you are doing before you begin the actual physical creation or work. By clearly envisioning the outcome you want before you act, you will be more likely to achieve your goals.
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Lesson 10 - Principle Centered Living
Principles rule the world. They are recognized universally and apply equally to everyone. People often center their lives on the "wrong" things such as school, work, material things, or even people. Instead, when a life is centered around a principle that you live by, everything else will fall into place. You can find balance and stability and create a foundation for all of the other things in your life to stand upon.
"Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
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What makes you happy? Friends? Money? Success?
Are the things that make you happy real or superficial? Take a good look and determine if your happiness is based off of things that you could lose or if you have based your well-being on principles. Centering your life around principles you believe in will eventually lead to long-term happiness.
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Lesson 11 - Personal Mission Statement
Begin with the end in mind encourages us to make our lives extraordinary. Since your destiny is yet to be determined, why not make it extraordinary and leave a lasting legacy? A personal mission statement helps us to be extraordinary and acts as a guide for who we want to be and what is important to us. Its like your own personal motto.
What do you want to be remembered for?
The video to the left is a preview of the 80th birthday party video. 80th Birthday Full Covey Video 80th Birthday Viewing Guide Resources: Roles and Tribute Statements Worksheet "I am" Worksheet Great Discovery Activity |
Your mission statement should provide direction and purpose. It should challenge and inspire you and addresses your most important roles and responsibilities. It represents the best within you.
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Lessons 12 and 13 - Goal Setting and Tracking
Once you have a mission statement, it is time to set goals. Your goals should be more specific and help you break down your broad mission into achievable pieces. Don't get caught up in the past with goals you failed to make happen...focus on the future and what is possible!
Feel free to watch the videos below for more inspiration!